at stake的用法与搭配
adv. 危如累卵,危险,濒于险境,处于成败关头
1. 在危险中,厉害攸关
2. 在危急关头,在危险中
3. 在危险中,利害攸关
4. 存亡攸关,危若累卵
5. 在危险中 在成败关头
6. 在危险中,危如累卵
7. 危亡
8. 在危急关头
9. 利害攸关
10. 在危险中
- There is too much good at stake .
- 有太多的危如累卵之险。
- With so much at stake governments must be strategic in their choices .
- 由于存在如此多的危险,政府的选择时必须具备战略眼光。
- More than mr nasheed 's political fortunes may be at stake .
- 不仅仅是纳希德的政治命运可能会受到威胁。
- Some institutional interests are at stake .
- 这里牵涉到某些制度上的利益关系。
- Bigger bribes are usually paid when land is at stake .
- 更大的行贿通常发生在土地岌岌可危之时。
- There are also vast sums at stake .
- 而巨大的风险也同样存在。
- Ministers insist they are fully aware that their credibility is at stake .
- 部长们坚持他们充分意识到他们的信誉攸关大局。
- Some observers think there is too much at stake for the two sides not to come to an agreement on oversight .
- 一些观察人士认为,如果两国在监管问题上不能达成一致,将会涉及相当大的利害关系。
- A vital principle is at stake .
- 一项至关重要的原则危在旦夕。
- Your health is at stake .
- 你的健康状况濒临危险。